Office of the Registrar

Office of the Registrar Purpose

The Office of the Registrar compiles, maintains, retrieves and disseminates accurate academic records for the current and previous University populations; ensures that registration procedures are administered within the University; ensures that governmental and accreditation compliance standards are met, 并根据公布的规定适用毕业要求. All transactions are confidential. 书记官长办公室提供的服务是公平的. 工作人员遵循美国大学注册和招生官员协会(AACRAO)制定的专业和道德标准和政策。.

Where to find our Office

Cravath Hall Suite 111

Interim University Registrar
Akira Black

临时注册协调员:课程设置, Graduation and Class schedule Maintenance, Cross-Registration, University Withdrawal
Faith Wilson

Kaneeah Jones

Current Student Resources

澳门皇冠赌场平台的学生应定期和连续出席所有的讲座, laboratory, 以及他们在一个学期内注册和注册的研讨会课程.  课堂出勤率是学生智力发展的重要组成部分, success, retention and timely graduation .  每门课程的具体出勤政策见课程大纲, 在学期的第一周,每堂课上分发的是什么.  It is, therefore, 每个学生都有责任了解其所在班级的每位老师的出勤政策. 不遵守规定的出勤政策无疑会危及课程的成绩.

In addition, 第四章联邦指导方针要求接受联邦援助的机构定期核实学生的出勤率,以确保所有授予的联邦援助资金都用于教育目的.

Policy Statement

学校的政策严格要求学生上课出勤. In each course, 因无故缺课而缺课超过10%(包括实验)的学生将有挂科的危险.  For a class that meets three times per week, the number of unexcused absences is five class sessions; for a class that meets twice a week, three class sessions; and for a class that meets once per week, two class sessions. More strenuous requirements can be applicable, as stated by individual instructors, in their respective course syllabi.  理解每位老师的要求是学生的责任. The University administration, consistent with this policy, does not generally issue excuses from class.

Definition of Terms

(1)出勤率在本政策声明中定义为学生在整个预定课堂时间内的实际存在(远程教育课程的参与).  Tardiness can be considered an unexcused absence. (2)无理由缺勤是指所有未经注册医生/护士批准的缺勤, the instructor in charge of the course, and/or the provost or his/her designee.


菲斯克考勤政策适用于所有注册学生.  个别教师可以选择使政策更严格,但在任何情况下都不应比上述大学政策更宽松.  偶尔,学生可能会因为紧急情况(健康、事故等)而缺课.)或其他无法控制的迫不得已情况. Such students must justify, with appropriate documentation, 返校后48小时内不得有计划外缺勤. In addition, 在某些情况下,学生可能会因参加学校批准的活动(如体育比赛)而缺课, academic competitions, concerts or conference presentations. In such cases, 学生必须在开课前通知他们的老师,他们将会缺课并补课. In all cases, the Provost may, at his/her discretion, 给教员发一份备忘录,允许学生补课. In such cases, 教师可以在学生和教师双方都方便的时间安排合理和相关的补课工作.  Such memoranda however, 不构成旷课的借口,学生在任何特定课程中都要保持绝对最高百分之十(10%)的缺勤率.


百分之十(10%)缺勤率政策的例外情况只能由教务长与课程讲师协商后做出.  只有当学生在课程中表现出高水平的能力时,才会考虑例外情况, and when the reasons for excessive absences (e.g., hospitalization, family emergency, etc.)是这样的,学生显然不可能参加规定的90%(90%)的班会.

注册和/或学位证书是确认出勤的官方文件, awarded degrees, current and past enrollment, expected graduation date, academic standing, cumulative GPA, and other parts of a student academic record. 官方证书打印在印有大学印章和注册主任签名的防伪纸上.

学生可能需要注册证明来推迟学生贷款, to prove enrollment for their health insurance, 为潜在雇主核实学位或证明在另一所机构注册的学术地位.  所有认证申请必须以书面形式提交给注册官办公室.  没有学生的书面授权,可能会发布目录信息的认证.  澳门皇冠赌场平台将目录信息定义为本地和永久地址, dates of attendance, enrollment status, school and major field of study, classification, earned degrees, expected degree date, and similar information.  如果学生选择限制他或她的目录信息, 为了处理请求,需要学生的书面释放.

某些机密信息只有在学生书面授权和签名的情况下才能发布, 根据1974年的《家庭教育权利和隐私法. See FERPA.

How to order an official verification:


  • The date of the request
  • 学生在大学记录上的全名
  • Student's Fisk ID number and date of birth.
  • 您要求在验证上打印的信息类型
  • The purpose behind your request
  • 邮寄/传真收件人的姓名和地址
  • 如果需要非目录信息,请提供学生签名
  • 请求方的邮政地址、电子邮件地址和日间电话
  • Any special instructions
  • Any forms to be attached
Click here to View the Form

The course grading system at Fisk is as follows:

  • The grade of "A" indicates work of high quality.
  • The grade of “B” indicates very good work.
  • The grade of “C” indicates acceptable work.
  • The grade of “D” indicates work at a minimal passing level.
  • The grade of "E表示未达到课程的最低要求.
  • The grade of "I“表示大量和令人满意的工作已经完成,但由于不可避免的情况,课程无法完成.

加减成绩可以附在字母成绩上. Grades awarded with a minus (“-”) indicate achievement at the lower limit for that grade; grades awarded with a plus (“+”) indicate achievement at the upper limit for that grade. 不接受“C-”的成绩来完成专业或辅修的部门要求,或在学生的专业或辅修的同源课程. 成绩“D”不计入专业或辅修课程的部门要求, 学生主修或辅修的同类课程也不接受“D”成绩. 菲斯克不接受其他院校的“D”或同等成绩转到菲斯克学位. The grade of “E” is a failing grade, 没有达到课程的最低要求. Under some circumstances, 当学生的作业不完整或学生退课时,给出“E”级. 成绩为“E”的课程必须重修并获得更高的成绩, if credit is desired.

Grade Point Averages

平均成绩是学生在菲斯克注册的每个学期计算的,也是学生整个本科生涯的累积平均成绩. 平均绩点(GPA)之所以重要,有几个原因. First, a minimum 2.0 GPA是本科阶段的毕业要求. 许多院系的专业领域和各种学术荣誉都有GPA要求. And, most crucially, 为了保持令人满意的学业进步并保持在菲斯克的良好地位,需要最低GPA成绩水平, with eligibility for financial aid. 学生的平均成绩是通过学生成绩单上菲斯克课程的分数来计算的. 每个学时的工作分配给特定年级的质量分数如下:

Grade Points

Letter Grade Grade Point
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D 1.0
E 0.0
F 0.0/Failing
W 0.0/Withdrawn (Individual Course)
WD 0.0/Withdrawn (All Courses)
WF 0.0/Withdrawn Failing
WP 0.0/Withdrawn Passing
WA 0.0/Withdrawn Administratively
AU Audit
T Transfer
P Passing
I Incomplete

平均绩点是通过将获得的总质量分数除以尝试的总学时数得出的, 在后者的总学时中,不包括成绩为“P”的学时," "F," "I," or "WD have been recorded. When students repeat courses, 在确定平均绩点时,只考虑最后收到的成绩. 不同院校的标准和做法各不相同:菲斯克的平均绩点只反映在澳门皇冠赌场平台完成的课程. Transfer coursework is not considered.

可接受的奖学金标准菲斯克本科生要求最低累积GPA为2.0 ("C") or better. 学业进展满意,达到要求2.在菲斯克的整个学生职业生涯中,必须保持0 GPA和学士学位要求的最低120个学时. 大学认识到学生的表现可能会受到不利的个人环境的影响. In some instances, 学生可能希望考虑休假或退学,并与他们的学院学术顾问进行适当的咨询.  See University Bulletin for information on Satisfactory Academic Standing.

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